1972-10-16 Prize Winners’ Concert

16th October, 1972

Group NameSuburbStatePointsPlacing
Sacred Heart ChoirNone
Kay Foley - Electronic Organ SoloNone
Carol Trenfield School of balletNone
Simon Nette - Junior Speech Aggregate WinnerNone
Robert Oldaker - Soloist Schools' Instrument SectionNone
Ballarat Calisthenic CollegeNone
Gavan Ellis - Senior Aggregate Speech WinnerNone
Lynne Stubbs - Winner Classical Ballet SoloNone
Debra furlong & Marina Besenghi - Demi Character DuoNone
Ballarat East & Ballarat High School Orchestra None
Ballarat Junior Symphony OrchestraNone
Carol Trenfield School of Ballet - Senior GroupNone
Dale Gordon-Stewart - Courier-3BA Winner None
Allan Angwin - Senior VocalNone
Marla Swift - Concerto WinnerNone
Peter Pianella - Sun Aria WinnerNone
Keith Young Chorale - Winner Grand champion Choral ContestNone
National Anthem.None