1899-09-15 Elocution and Readings

15th September, 1899

Held in the Mechanics Institute

First NameSurnameSuburbStatePointsPlacing
Miss FMcKee1st
Miss MayPhillips2nd
Miss LMcKeeSpecial Mention
Miss NLyleSpecial Mention
Miss PBlezzardSpecial Mention

First NameSurnameSuburbStatePointsPlacing
Mr W PMitchellBallaratVictoria1st
AGallowayMiners RestVictoria2nd
Mr DWhealBallaratVictoria3rd
Mr J RTebayHonourable Mention
Mr MWhiteHonourable Mention
Mr W HBlezzardHonourable Mention

First NameSurnameSuburbStatePointsPlacing
Mrs W HPearsonBallaratVictoria1st
Miss AKoppersBallaratVictoria2nd
Miss SMann3rd

Group NameSuburbStatePointsPlacing
Miss A Rahilly, Mr White, Mr Mitchell and Mr Bolger1st
Miss Devine, Miss Whidbury, Mr S Devine and Mr J Anderson2nd
Miss Gregory, Miss Koppers, Mr Tebay, Mr Moizer, Mr Bolton and Mr Wheal3rd