1896-07-16 Music

16th July, 1896

Held in the Hall, Skipton Street

Group NameSuburbStatePointsPlacing
Master R Robertson and Master R Rail1st
Miss Bernice and Miss Phylis Cowley2nd
Miss Lilly Burrit and Miss Winnie Netherway3rd

First NameSurnameSuburbStatePointsPlacing
Mr W JRoberts1st
Mr B CDunstan2nd
Mr W JJenkins3rd

First NameSurnameSuburbStatePointsPlacing
Mrs RBennett1st
Miss RHutchins2nd
Miss ARees3rd

First NameSurnameSuburbStatePointsPlacing
Mr JMorris1st
Mr M PCarey2nd
Mr EbbGrey3rd

Group NameSuburbStatePointsPlacing
Mr W J Roberts and Mr J Morriss1st
Mr Ebb Grey and Mr J McGowan2nd