2010-07-29 Debating Challenge Cup

2010-07-29 Debating Challenge Cup29th July, 2010ShareShareShare822 Years 9/10That the telephone is a more remarkable invention than the television.Group NameSuburbStatePointsPlacingSt Patrick’s College T1 (Affirmative)BallaratVictoria1stThat it is better to learn a musical instrument than a foreign language.Group NameSuburbStatePointsPlacingLoreto College T1 (Negative)BallaratVictoria1stThat more money should be spent on medical research than on education.Group NameSuburbStatePointsPlacingHamilton & Alexandra College T2 […]

2010-07-28 Debating Challenge Cup

2010-07-28 Debating Challenge Cup28th July, 2010ShareShareShare821 Years 7/8Computer games are a waste of timeGroup NameSuburbStatePointsPlacingBallarat High School Green (Affirmative)BallaratVictoria1stIt is better being male than being femaleGroup NameSuburbStatePointsPlacingBallarat High School Jade (Negative)BallaratVictoria1stMathematics is more important than EnglishGroup NameSuburbStatePointsPlacingBallarat High School Sapphire (Affirmative)BallaratVictoria1stAll gambling is wrong and should be bannedGroup NameSuburbStatePointsPlacingBallarat High School Silver (Affirmative)BallaratVictoria1st823 Years 11/12That […]

2010-07-27 Debating Challenge Cup

2010-07-27 Debating Challenge Cup27th July, 2010ShareShareShare820 Grades 5/6That you will learn more from a day on a farm than from a day on a computer.Group NameSuburbStatePointsPlacingBallarat North Primary School T1 (Affirmative)Ballarat NorthVictoria1stThat sports stars are overpaid.Group NameSuburbStatePointsPlacingPleasant Street Primary School T1 (Negative)BallaratVictoria1stThat jeans should be an acceptable form of dress in all places.Group NameSuburbStatePointsPlacingPleasant Street […]

2010-07-26 Debating Challenge Cup

2010-07-26 Debating Challenge Cup26th July, 2010ShareShareShare821 Years 7/8A good book is better than a movie.Group NameSuburbStatePointsPlacingBallarat & Clarendon College T2 (Negative)BallaratVictoria1stThat money is more useful than brains.Group NameSuburbStatePointsPlacingBallarat High School Turquoise (Negative)BallaratVictoria1stThat public transport should be free.Group NameSuburbStatePointsPlacingDaylesford Secondary College T1 (Affirmative)DaylesfordVictoria1stThat Australia should accept more refugees.Group NameSuburbStatePointsPlacingDerrinallum College T2 (Affirmative)DerrinallumVictoria1stScience is more important than […]